Let’s share Western Wall rather than divide it

Op-ed: It’s time to stop fighting over the Western Wall and create ways to overcome division which cater for all sects. The holy site should be run by a public council including representatives of the relevant government ministries, public delegates representing male and female worshippers, and representatives of the Diaspora Jewry.

Klal Yisrael Matters

A “scandalous letter” in the files of Israel’s official rabbinate “reflects ignorance,” delivers “a severe blow” to Israel’s relations with Diaspora Jewry and “abandons the religious system in Israel to haredi hands.

Gender separation front targets IDF

An aggressive campaign against joint service of men and women in combat units has been taking place in the past year on Israel streets and on social media under the slogans ‘Saving the IDF’ and ‘Stop the Madness.’ Yedioth Ahronoth uncovers people and organizations behind campaign, which was launched by anonymous group called Brothers in Arms, as well as the generous public funds received by some of these organizations.

Ne’emanei Torah Va’Avoda – Yisroel Chofshit

Ne’emanei Torah Va’Avoda – Yisroel Chofshit
Rav Avraham Roznikov, the Rabbi of the Ichilov Hospital, has written a Responsum on this subject. Rav Roznikov identifies four reasons why Israel should adopt a more reasonable policy toward searching for chametz in hospitals prior to and during Passover. His fourth and final reason is that utensils that have absorbed the food taste of prohibited food that are then mixed with other utensils are considered to be kosher according to the legal principal of following after the majority status. This means, that in a case when a suspect utensil was mixed up with other utensils, the suspect utensil is considered to be nullified among the majority. We are not obligated to then purify all of the utensils because of the minority, but they are all considered kosher. In addition there is the halachic principal of kli shlishi (the third utensil). Jewish law distinguishes between the pot that cooks the food on the fire to the utensils in which the food is transferred after that fact.
For this reason and others food can be eaten on the utensils in the hospital and the hospital can clean the dishes with other utensils on Passover without concern for minority cases.

Internal Document Reveals: Israeli Rabbinate Refuses to Recognize 124 Modern-Orthodox Rabbis from the US

An internal correspondence document from the Rabbinical Courts, written in March 2018, and published by ITIM today (Monday), reveals that despite the Rabbinate’s consistent public declaration that there are no “blacklists” for recognition of rabbis abroad, the Rabbinical Courts continue to reject the halachic authority of at least one hundred and twenty four Orthodox rabbis in the United States. Today, in a meeting of the Knesset’s Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, the Chief Rabbinate’s Director, Moshe Dagan, vociferously denied the existence of any such blacklists