Eitza Laderech

Booklets for Youth on Religious Zionist Values

In order to introduce the next generation to the issues prevalent in Religious Zionist society, offering them food for thought and answers to complex questions, Ne’emanei Torah Va’Avodah publishes a series of booklets that are engaging and age-appropriate. These books, with their focus on such issues as Israel as a Jewish state, the non-Jew, and gender and modesty, involve the youth in a discussion that reflects a moderate, open, and tolerant worldview.

Ne’emanei Torah Va’Avodah has initiated a project to produce materials that will serve the next generation of the Religious Zionist community to impart values of openness and equality. The booklets – on subjects like the relationship to the State, the non-Jew, education, mixed (male/female) society, rabbis, and the value of work – give today’s religious youth resources that reflect an open approach to the world around them.

The booklets are written in accessible Hebrew; their ideas and language are geared toward youth. Booklets are distributed through high schools, yeshivas, midrashot, and youth movements.

Six booklets have been written since 2010:

Atchalta DeTikva, by Rabbi Chaim Navon Ben Dakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjjjjjjjvid

Freedom, Authority, and Responsibility, by Rabbi Yitzchak Ben David

So That You Broaden Your Understanding, by Dr. Chana Friedman

The Chosen People, by Rabbi Dr. David Ben Zazon and Eyal Berger

Society as a Whole, by Rabbi Yuval Cherlow and Ran Huri Zazon and Eyal Berger 

Why Work? by Rabbi Dr. Ori Noyvirt Zazon and Eyal Bergeeeeeeeeer

Confrontation or Cooperation

Orthodox Judaism and its Attitude to Non-Orthodox Denominations and to Diaspora Jewry

Rabbi Dr. Ronen Lubitch

Modern Religious Zionism: An Ideological Manifesto

Rabbi Dr. Ido Pachter

The booklets are now sold as a unit At present, thousands of booklets have been distributed. Clearly they have made waves; one noteworthy sign of their impact is that one particularly extreme rabbi has called for the booklets to be banned