מתחילים בדרום תל אביב…
פרוייקטים בצפון:
Our organization encourages you to consider living in urban areas which already have a good school system and established community organizations. In our targeted areas, there is a tremendous opportunity for young, middle-class families to move in and be a part of advancing a neighborhood revitalization. We are promoting specific apartments for sale in newly renovated buildings. We have partnered with real estate agents to promote the sale of specific apartments. While we hope that buyers who move into these apartments will participate in the local religious community and schools, this is not obligatory.
Our first focus is two neighborhoods in southern Tel Aviv – Kiryat Shalom and Shapira. We are looking for the first buyers to initiate our revitalization of the neighborhoods. The apartments offered for purchase are in the range of 3-5 rooms, and these apartments are new.
על צמאה 38 בכתבה בעיתון מקור ראשון
/ אנחנו בתקשורת, בנושאי חינוך דתי, צמאה 38 שונות על הפרוייקט / אופציונלי /מתוך כתבה של ריקי רט, דיוקן מקור ראשון על תהליכי התחדשות בדרום תל אביב